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That is all I know. I wake up determined. I go to sleep determined. I go into each task as if it is monumental. It could be as simple as a meet and greet at a local coffee shop, or a group of friends getting together. it can be my day at work or just a simple fact of staying on task.

It can be exhausting. Every day can be like I’m running a marathon.

Lately, I understand less and I am confused more. There is too much going on in my world, for sure. I literally do not understand most of what is said around me. I find myself constantly asking what and trying to just fill in the blanks.


I’m not going to give up. It is what it is.

Sometimes I wonder what kind of brain I would have it if were not exposed to alcohol. I look into the mirror and wonder if I would be able to see the world differently if I had a fully operated brain. Maybe I don’t want to see the world differently.

Would I be able to look people in the eyes?
Would I be able to not be anxious ALL the time?
Would my skin not constantly feel like I want to rip it off from too much stimulation?

I live in constant overload. Constantly fighting shut down or melt down.

My world is a big tornado and I’m trying to make sense of all of it. I’m stuck in the middle and everything just spins and spins and I wait for things to land and say oh ok I know what that is. At least, I understand that piece of the puzzle.


I have no idea.

I really don’t understand you.

I try to pretend that I do.

I really do listen to you, but I have no idea what you are saying to me.

I laugh because you laugh.
I shake my head cuz it looks like I should.

I stand up because everyone in the room does.
I shake a hand cuz a hand is reached out to me.

I watch.
I model.

Do I know why I’m doing what I’m doing?
Not all the time.

Confusion is my state and determination is my survival.

I picked up a book. A children’s book.
I could not retain what it said.

My daughter watches shows and has to explain everything to me.
I watched the same thing she did.

I have no idea what happened.

I could call this confused, but I’m not going to because what I see is someone who will not give up…in spite of that confusion.

I have a will no like nobody else I know.
I refuse to quit!

I signed up for DD services. Not sure if I will get it.
I hope I do. Oh, I dont want any assistance money wise.
I just want to be able to do some of the things that others do.
I would like some helps that are not in place.
I would like to read a book and remember what i read 5 seconds later.
I woudl like to understand more of what people say.
I would like to look at people in conversation and feel a part of instead of trying so desperately just to find a few words here and there so I don’t look rude.

I want to talk.
I have a lot to say.
I want to listen and be completely engaged.

I have a brain that just won’t cooperate.
the more that goes on around me…the more I cannot comprehend.


I try to read lately.
I get about 2 sentences and I move on to something else.
I still keep trying to go back and read the same article or book.
Only to get a few more sentences and I’m done.


I’m not giving up!

I have good days and bad.
Lately, they seem to be harder. I wouldnt say bad.
Different. Not less…lol…isnt that what Temple Grandin had to say?

I can still see.
I can still hear.
I can still live and be a part of.
It’s just different.

If people meet where I am…
If people meet me at my processing pace

If they allow me to be where I am so i don’t have to fake and act like im where they are…
Maybe I would understand more.

the world just goes way to fast for someone with FASD.

yes we are!

Comments on: "Determination" (6)

  1. This is a great post. Thanks!

  2. Hugs to you Ann. I hope my son has your determination! I know I get exhausted just trying to get him the help he needs. I can't imagine coping with the disability itself in a world that is so persistently blind and insensitive to FASD.

  3. Thank you for encouraging my world today. thank you for being brave and determined and giving us all courage.

  4. Thank you so much for your comment

  5. Thank you Tina for your hug and comment! Yes, I know it is exhausting for the caregiver! and you nailed it when you said in a world that is so persistently blind and insensitive!…you are soooo right! and its a choice and I dont get it. I guess its because of the stimga attached to it, but if those of us who have FASD dont mind the 'label' of FASD and what comes with it so we are able to get the helps we need, then why should anyone else care. I would think we are all entitled to know and understand fully what we 'have' so we can be the best we can be! This is one that people still do not want to admit exists.

  6. Wow Marie…thank you so much for your words…they encouraged me!

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